Tuesday, November 19, 2013

30 fucking Sucks. And it Rocks!

I turned 30 this past March.  20 was hard for me. The thought of not being a teenager sent me into a state of panic for some reason. But 30? Eh. It was just kinda like “Really? I’m fucking 30 already? Wow.” Little did I know, 30 means change. Big change. Some things about 30 seriously suck, but others are pretty amazing. Here’s my take on it, based on my experience, and that of many others in my life.

Why 30 Sucks: You absolutely cannot understand at least half of the shit that teenagers say
                My little sister said to me today “Oh em gee! It was totes adorbs! I could, like, legit, DIE!” What in the actual fuck does any of that even mean? Seriously? I’m pretty sure that I just looked at her the same way a puppy looks at you when you tell him that peeing on the rug is bad. You know; eyes wide, brow furrowed, head tilting further and further to the side and a blank stare.
Why 30 Rocks: You absolutely cannot understand at least half of the shit that teenagers say
                Which means that you cannot talk like them; therefore cannot sound as completely fucking brain dead as they do. I told my sister that I was going to record her and one day play that recording back for her children. So that they can hear how ridiculous mommy used to sound. I fully intend to follow through on that threat. As a side note; if you are over 30 and you do use words like “totes” and “legit.” Please stop. You sound like a dumbass.

Why 30 Sucks: You ARE the old people in the bar
                In my late teens and early 20’s (what? I had a fake ID. Arrest me.) my friends and I would go to the bar and be completely bummed if it was full of “old people.” It was always a group of 30 somethings drinking, dancing and being loud. We would leave and go somewhere with a younger crowd. I really don’t know why, maybe we thought that “old” was contagious.
Why 30 Rocks: You ARE the old people in the bar
                Now that I look back on it, I realize that the “old people” were having so much more fun than us! Drinking? Dancing? Being loud? Yes, please. Now that I am 30, I’m not too cool to have fun anymore. I’m with my friends and having a blast – I don’t care how I look. I’m not spending the whole night being self conscious, wondering if my hair and makeup are still perfect, waiting in stupid long bathroom lines just to check and see if my hair and makeup are still perfect. I don’t care. Hell, my hair is probably thrown up in a messy bun, and my makeup is likely either yesterday’s or nonexistent. And it is so much better that way!

Why 30 Sucks: Your shit starts falling apart
                For real. In the past year and a half, I have: Been under the care of a neurologist for unidentifiable, sudden and debilitating headaches. Had a miscarriage. Had my ulcers flare up. Gotten a hemorrhoid, for no apparent reason. Bled, for 6 straight weeks. Had emergency hernia surgery. Had a Pap come back with abnormal cells. And somehow damaged my rotator cuff. 30 has not been my best year, and it seems to be similar for a lot of others.
Why 30 Rocks: You start to appreciate the shit that’s not falling apart
                I essentially survived on Diet Coke and Newports during most of my teens and 20s. I ate very little, and when I did it was junk. I was constantly working, partying, going, and doing. I never stopped for, oh, I don’t know, sleep! And I felt fine, so there was no reason to stop. Until suddenly I didn’t feel fine and there was a reason. I’ve since started taking better care of myself. I eat, regularly and healthy. I actually sleep. I exercise. And you know what? I don’t just feel fine anymore. I feel better, good, and even fabulous sometimes. As long as I’m not in the middle of my shit falling apart. And not only do I actually feel good, I acknowledge it, appreciate it, and work to keep it that way.

Why 30 Sucks: You have a bedtime
                Before 30 I could function just fine on a regular 3 or 4 hour a night sleeping schedule. No problem. Since 30; no fucking chance. If I don’t get at least 6 hours I pay dearly for it the next day. And so does everyone else lucky enough to be in my general vicinity. And if you want me awake and alert any later than 11 pm, there had better be something super fucking exciting going on, and I had better have taken a nap that afternoon.
Why 30 Rocks: You have a bedtime
                When I was younger, it did not matter how tired I was when I hit the pillow, I would toss and turn for hours before falling asleep. And even then I’d get up a handful of times throughout the night. Now? I’m out within minutes of hitting the pillow. And I stay out! I don’t care if it is because I’m fucking old – it’s awesome. And, I’m old enough to use the “oh, that’s too late for me” excuse to get me out of doing shit I don’t want to do. Past my bedtime, bitches!

Why 30 Sucks: You didn’t have instant access to music  
                We had to go to an actual store and buy a cassette tape when it came out. Or, we had to sit by our boom box all day, listening to the radio, waiting for that song to come on. Then record it and hope the DJ didn’t fuck it all up by talking over the ending. We had to rewind said tape when we wanted to listen to it again. We didn’t get to click something on a screen and own the song immediately. We couldn’t carry thousands of songs with us wherever we went, only as many tapes as we could fit into a bag that we had to lug around with our walkman. Such bullshit!
Why 30 Rocks: You had ACTUAL MUSIC
                That song we sat by the radio waiting to record? It was worth waiting for. It wasn’t garbage. Y’all can keep your Bieber and your One Direction shit. I’m pretty sure we win this one.

Why 30 Sucks: You had to grow up without Google, smartphones, or social media
                We had to look shit up if we wanted to know it. In a library that we had to physically go to. In an actual book that we had to find via use of the ever frustrating card catalogue. Now, you can just whip out your phone and Google that shit. And if we wanted to know where people were, what they were doing, or what was going on in the world? We had to actually go out into the world, and make actual contact with actual people. We got fucking robbed.
Why 30 Rocks: You got to grow up without Google, smartphones, or social media
1. We have brains. We know how to use them. We can figure shit out. 2. We weren’t ALWAYS connected; it was way easier to get away with stuff. 3. We got to do all of our stupid shit before it could be instantly captured by pic or video and immediately uploaded to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and/or Instagram to be forever immortalized on the internets. Forever. We did our dumb shit, and now it’s done and gone and you likely can’t prove it was us. Again – we win!

30 sucks you guys, but it’s pretty fucking awesome, too!

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